X-RAY IMAGES – RADIOVISIOGRAPHY (RVG) X-RAY IMAGE (SINGLE TOOTH) Our practice is equipped with digital radiovisiography (RVG) system from Gendex a world leader in dental X-ray equipment. Using Gendex GXS-700 intraoral sensor with Gendex expert DC lamp, brings effect of short exposure times, reducing the radiation  (approx. 90%) compared to X-ray images taken on the traditional film while increasing the quality of the resulting image. Thanks to  this X-ray picture is obtained on the monitor screen immediately and the patient does not need even get down from the chair. PANORAMIC X-RAY For Panoramic X-ray pictures we are using Gendex Orthoralix 8500 DDE. These images are valuable for diagnosis and treatment planning of caries, root investigation, orthodontics, implants, and other surgical procedures – such as impacted wisdom teeth, as well as patient education. At the request we can save an x-ray image in any digital format or send with an e-mail.

STOMATOLOGIA STUDNICCY gabinety przyjazne rodzinie - Stomatolog Wrocław, dentysta Wysoka

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Realizacja: Waldemar Owczarski | Wdrożenie: rafalwalus.com